last night..can't sleep..terbangun every hour..kepala rse mcm distracted sangat2..serabut sangat2..everytime terbangun, rsa mcm nak nanges..then, for sure air mata, jatuh, setitik dua..then tertidur..then terbangun balik..then serabut..then nangis..then tertidur..then for the whole night mcm tu..bgn nak bersiap g kerja, still rsa tak fokus..smpai tempat kerja, i tried my best nak lupa everything..i laugh, i smile, and try to be happy.....and tonight, i hope i can sleep well...tkt my kerja terjejas..nak berpura2 sepjg masa pun mcm tak larat..tdi, tiba2 mcm tak tahan, g toilet, lepaskan ckit air mata, setitik dua..then, cepat2 basuh muka, lap2 mata..takut kang org perasan yg aku nanges..
Ya Allah..bagi aku kekuatan dan ketabahan, Ya Allah.. :'(
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