Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1.. :)
on theater 24th of November 2011, kat Malaysia..delay berminggu2 dari US punya tayangan perdana..haha.. =.=" it's okay..janji dapat tengok suda.. :)
ermm..i was promise with someone, nak tengok citer ni sama2..dulu kteorg sama2 tengok Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse..even tak tengok kat wayang pun, just tengok kat laptop after download, tp last 3 sequel, kteorg tengok sama2..just us two..then, lepas tengok Eclipse, we promise, nak tengok Breaking Dawn sama2, kat dah takde jodoh...bukan setakat tak kan tengok Breaking Dawn sama2, even kteorg tak kan berjumpa lagi sampai bila2..sigh..enough with memories, dilla.! =.="
okay2..back to reality.. :) last 2 days, hari Rabu, bangun pagi awal2..gila excited..even the day before Rabu tu, aku dah prepare nak pakai baju ape..hahaha..nak klua date, biase lah..i miss my bestfriends.! :) i was too happy at that morning..hantar mak pegi keja..then ambik Sel..dlm keta dah bebel2 dgn Sel..haha..then balik umah sendiri kejap, mandi2, breakfast, siap2 make up semua2 lah..then around 12 noon, kteorg gerak g ambik Siti plak..i was so happy sebab dpt tengok Breaking Dawn with them.. :))
that story was sweet bila Bella & Edward getting married..Bella with her beautiful dress..Edward looks charming with his suit..and a beautiful altar..just like a fantasy kan..huhu..and jadi lebih sweet bila both of them on honeymoon, with their first night together sampai patah katil...hahaha..ganas..~ =.=" baru 2 weeks kawen, Bella dah pregnant..perghh..that baby, human+vampire..and membesar sgt cepat dlm perut Bella..since that baby is so strong, dia sedut segala zat2 Bella, and Bella become so thin, pale and one by one her bone break..sbb ye la, Bella still as a human, anak pulak vampire, so her body tak dapat carry the baby sangat..most of time just duduk or baring..kesian sgt2..huhu..and that time, boleh nampak how protective Jacob and how lovely Edward..others werewolf bangkang Bella continue with her pregnancy..Bella tak nak gugur kan her baby even baby tu buat dia la, mak mana tak sayang anak the werewolfs tak suka ngan anak yg bakal lahir tu, sbb bagi diorang, anak tu akan jadi sgt kuat and boleh menjejaskan diorang..and difference with Jacob, yg protect Bella dari diganggu others werewolf..Jacob handsome dowww..!! tak tahu nape, tp this time, aku tengok dia sangattt handsome..charming sangat2..waaa..~~ =.=" 2 months later, then bila come to the moment Bella nak beranak (bygkan lah, baru 2 months pregnant dan dah beranak, baby perfect pulak tu), Bella can't carry it lagi dah, she's die..*and time tu aku ckp dlm hati, rilek lu..heroin tak kan mati..haha*..and Bella+Edward's baby sangat2 cute..the baby is a girl..cute.! mcm aku..haha.! *sila muntah*..heee...and Jacob look at the baby's eye..and ade connection, mcm tarikan magnet between i know lah kan, nnti Jacob in love kat anak Bella, tunggu lah part 2 punye Breaking Dawn..and oleh kerana aku ade buku tu, aku nak baca lah..hee..oh, Bella, yup, she's not dead..u know what.? dia dah jadi vampire jugak..muahahaha...dah jadi cantik and immortal..sbb ya, i know, Edward gigit dia time dia nyawa2 ikan nak beranak tu..Edward ingat Bella dah tak dpt diselamatkan..but then, Bella tiba2 bukak mata balik..then, to be continue on the next part..heee.. :))
while watching kan, kteorg tiga2 nak ckp fokus, tak la happy semacam asyik gelak je padahal citer serius..hahaha...aku n Sel almost all the time gelak, and fikir, how nak control Siti yg diawang-awangan tengok ke-sweet-ness Bella+Edward..hahaha...dulu time tengok twilight sequel dlm wayang, lepas tu mesti aku emo semacam..jiwa kacau..and messy..but this time, aku okay je..siap menari2 dlm cinema..ngeee... =.="
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ya Allah perut aku..mengalahkan perut Bella time pregnant.. T.T tp memang aku kuat mkn sekarang..susah bila cuti berbulan2 dok umah lah jadi.. =.=" |
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still, ya Allah perut aku...~~ =.=" i have to diet.! |
and malam tadi..maybe sebab terlalu banyak gelak time siang, bila malam, menangis nak rak..sakit mata aku..huhu..sent text to Didi by saying how i wish she's here by my side..dulu, when i was in uitm samarahan, dia always ade for me, if i'm crying or in trouble..dia akan jadi pendengar, and then akan try to calm me down..and how i miss that, dia dah balik miri..and i'm in kuching..and kalau boleh, tak nak bagi dia balik miri, nak suruh dia stay kat kuching dia pun ade family..i can't be selfish..and last night i cry, so morning susah nak bangun kepala berat giler babss.. =.=" that night, Didi call usual...dia akan tanya, what happened to me..why to sudden..aku sendiri pun tak tau nak explain what happened..coz i, myself, don't know what happened be truth, actually, i cried almost every single night..people might think i'm happy now, aku dah move on and forget everything, nothing bothering me no more..but it's wrong..i'm haunted by my past..memori2 lama yg aku tak suka and aku tak nak ingat lagi, semua haunting me back..they come in my dreams, almost every single night..and it's hurt me..sometimes even just take a nap pun, boleh dtg dlm mimpi..pdhl tido kejap je pun..and that makes me scared to sleep..and last night, Didi call and dengar lah dia babbling2...huhu..i miss her, so much..she understand me the most and always give a good talk..and she explain why aku jd mcm ni..why those memories dtg dlm mimpi aku...aku maybe tak nak ingat psl semua tu balik, tp part of me, still stuck with those memories..maybe sebab aku terlalu paksa diri aku to forget all those things..maybe betul gak apa yg Didi ckp..huhu..and we talk for almost 3 hours..sakit telinga..nasib baik call free..hee.. :') anyway, i miss you, Didi..lamak dah kita sik klaka gya oh..mun dilayan gik memang smpey minggu depan sik abis crita ta duak..huhu..glad to hear about you and 'him'..time tak duak break dolok, nang terok rupa, *just like me now, yg sikda perubahan padahal dah nak setahun*..then, u and 'him' sik bercontact then u couple with Man..seriously,Di, mek sik suka ktk ngan Man..kmk lebih suka ktk ngan 'him'..thank Allah, u and Man breakup..mun sik, huhhh..!! =.=" and now, suddenly u and 'him' jadi bestfriend oh..first time mek dengar ex boleh jadi bestfriend..hahaha..even tak duak pdh tak duak just kawan jak pun, mesti org sik cayak..mesti org ingat tak duak dah return..hehe..'him' dah ada gerek, but 'him' sik pernah nak hurt u mok klaka2 pasal gerek nya oh..i respect you, Di, and i respect 'him'..and i pray that ktk ngan 'him' can be together back..because only with 'him' jak mek nangga ktk memang bena2 jadi mek sikda lah doakan 'him' ngan gerek nya break..just, insyaAllah mun ada jodoh tak duak oh..mek mok jadi bridesmaid ktk.! hahaha.. :D
and Ubey..i know u gonna read this..bak kata ko kan, even kta sikda lah tiap2 hari mesej, tp ko boleh paham aku..even kta sik pernah jumpa, tp ko boleh rasa apa aku rasa..tengah2 aku rasa down, mesti ko muncul..sik kira lah, ko mesej ka or ko post kat wall aku..mcm sixth sense jak..u r a good listener to me..thank you for everything sayang..i appreciate u so much..bestfriend till death.. :')
P/S : Moving on is never simple..But at least, it is not impossible.. :) and me, sometimes maybe i feel so alone and so down, but i know, my bestfriends always be there for me..they are my precious and my guardian angel..may Allah bless them.. :')
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