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Thursday, August 4, 2011

again, new LOVE.. =)

Thursday, August 4, 2011
first of all, nak wish, Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Puasa utk tahun ini..puasa, jgn tak puasa..nnti kena soal jawab ngan Allah s.w.t.. :) syukur alhamdulilah aku masih hidup untuk menemui puasa pada tahun ini..sorry baru wish sekarang, dah masuk hari ke-4 puasa dah pun..hee.. :D and dah 3 hari gak aku demam.. :( hari pertama puasa, alhamdulilah sihat..dah masuk hari ke-2, mula la sneezing..then semalam makin teruk..hari ni terus tak g keje, sebab tak larat..almost nak tengahari, baru bley angkat n mandi.. =.=" however, eventough demam, aku still berpuasa dan mengikut suruhan-Nya..ye la, bukan sakit nazak pun kan..no reason utk tidak berpuasa..and disebabkan tak sakit nazak pun n cuti utk hari ni, so nak update blog ckit.. :)

anyway, what with "again, new LOVE."..?

last year, bulan December, aku pernah buat an entry with the same title..it just kali ni aku tmbh "again" kat bhgian depan..hehe..

tengah2 demam, then terima plak berita baik, memang cepat baik la demam aku.. :D yes..i have my new love..my new light, new life and new breathe..become a part of my life, start today..and i am really sure, i love him so so so much..pendek kata, my everything lah.. :)

welcoming him into my life..
my new born nephew..~ :)

isn't he's too cute..? oh gosh.! i feel so blessed..syukur alhamdulilah, Ya Tuhan atas rezeki Mu di bulan yg penuh rahmat ini.. :)
deliver on 4.00 a.m, 4th August 2011..
congrats to my Abg Janto & Kak Nurul for ur new baby born..!
dah 2 org anak diorang..syukur, syukur..
the first one, is a girl, name Dania Batrisyia..
and this 2nd one, a boy..name? my abg still tak nak bagitau..suprise konon..cis.! ckp je la takde idea lagi nk bagi anak ape..hahahha.. :P
since semua anak2 buah aku name start with D, *mcm name aku gak, start dr D..hee*..
already have Danial, Dania & Darwish..
how about this forth one.? who knows..maybe start with D gak..
haish.! nape la abg aku ni secret sgt tak nak bgtau..benci betoi la.. =.="
but anyway, i am so happy today..yeay.!
smiling all day long..~
can't wait to meet him..uhuk..nak peluk cium muah2 khas dari Auntie Diyla nih.. :D
for sure, i miss all my nephews and nieces.. :(( can't wait to meet them..
and according to my sister, this new baby born with both of his parents and his sister akan dtg Kuching after Raya end..diorang kat Kudat currently, sbb abg aku mmg dah lama kena transfer ke Sabah...huhu...
seriously can't wait ehss.!
lepas Raya, for sure aku still kat Shah Alam...huaaa..! sobss..
it's okay..my sister ade ajak g Kudat nnti..yes.! nak join pegi..boleh bercuti sekali memandangkan nak tunggu sambung degree lama lagi, which is on next year bulan Mac..hee.. :D

okay..control urself for today, Diyla..teramat excited tetiba..hee.. :P

anyway, lagi ada 2 minggu before balik Kuching..yeay.! raya.! raya.! :D rindu Kuching so much..rindu mak, rindu sahabat2, rindu family, rindu bilik sendiri, and rindu kereta...uhukk...
takpe..sabar itukan separuh drpd iman..

p/s : weird huh.? since aku anak tunggal how come leh ade abg kakak.? haha..they are my cousin actually, cousin belah bapak..but since kteorg grew up together, and agak rapat, so they've become my brother n sister.. :)