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Sunday, August 21, 2011

move on..

Sunday, August 21, 2011
and i guess, that was the last time i've heard his voice..lepas ni, mungkin takde lagi, melainkan Allah pertemukan kteorg balik..

mungkin this is the best for both of us..move on with our own life..dia dah ada pilihan dia sendiri..me.? ignore me lah..being single, independent and enjoy every single moment of my life now..lagipun, dlm hati ni masih sakit..perlu ambik masa lagi lama nak fix it..even sekarang, i still can feel the pain..tak sesakit dulu, but still feel it..tapi syukur alhamdulilah, sekarang i feel much better than before..Allah s.w.t always right beside me.. :')

utk awak..sy mntk maaf..bukan tak nak kwn..tp ni yg terbaik for both of us..sy tak nak everything jadi semakin complicated..sy tak nak ganggu hubungan awk..mungkin awk tak paham, tp sy tau mcm mane rsa bila someone hadir dlm hbgn, lebih2 lagi someone tu adalah org yg pernah kta sayang..sy dah pernah rsa sakit mcm tu..ingat lagi dulu.? bila kta masih couple, then there's come another person..? sy masih ingat..dan cukup la sy sorang yg pernah rsa sakit tu..sy tak nak girl awk sekarang rsa apa yg sy pernah rsa dulu..don't let her crying mcm sy slalu crying..don't let her hurt even once mcm sy yg slalu sakit..please do always make her happy..jgn bagi dia rsa dia keseorangan mcm sy slalu rsa..please, don't repeat ur mistake kat dia..appreciate her for the way she is..
awak..sy mntk maaf..bukan tak nak kwn..sy tak nak diri sy sakit..awk nak tengok sy happy kan..just tinggalkan sy terus..jgn dtg lagi..sy tak ckp awk jahat, tp sy tak nak sy sendiri mengharapkan benda yg mustahil akan terjadi..sy tau sy tak patut mengharapkan apa2..tp sy seorang perempuan,jiwa halus..sy nak pulihkan diri sendiri..bagi sy masa..kalau ade jodoh kta nak jd kwn, tak kemana..tp sy nak masa, utk pulihkan diri sendiri...sy letih menangis..sy letih bila malam2 sy tak dpt tidur sbb insomnia menyerang..sy letih bila sy mula mimpi psl awak dan it will make my pain come back..sy letih melayan diri sy sendiri..sy letih tenangkan diri sendiri bila sy mula tak tentu arah..sy letih lah dgn diri sendiri..sigh..

mntk maaf kalau sy banyak buat slh, slalu buat awk stress..sbb tu sy undur diri..sy nak awk be happy..i would rather sacrifice my own happiness, just for the one that i love..thanks for everything u have done..and i am sure, this is the best for us..don't come find me anymore..sy dah menyusahkan hidup awak..this time, i let you go, for ur own sake, for ur own happiness..sy akan sentiasa doakan kebahagiaan awk.hope apa yg awk nak, akan tercapai satu hari nnti..take a good care of ur self. :')

p/s : sometimes i say "moved on" but deep inside i know i'm stranded..cause as long as i feel the love, there will always be the pain..